Nurturing 3.0 Investor relations

since 2017…

“I believe that with the help of new technologies we can trust each other again”. - KryptoGranny

Oscar W.

“A Force for good and enlightenment in the murky waters of crypto.”

Anna Melton, COO at Exchange (

“She is a Thought Leader and a champion for inclusivity and accessibility in the Blockchain and Web3 space.”

VESA, Crypto & NFT Art Pioneer

"Anita is a rare star connector in crypto. She operates from integrity, wisdom and clarity, solving problems for people who seek her council on many levels.”

Ahmed Refaie, DSRTD2022

“Anita is a professional market maker and network builder with remarkable managerial and administrational skills that set the benchmark, paired with exceptional punctuality.”

Pekka Kelkka, Web3 Advisor

“I have worked with Anita on many web3 projects. Where other people see problems Anita sees opportunity. Her communication and marketing skills are top-notch. She is a PR professional from head to toe.”


It all begins with an idea.

  • MC, Moderator, Panelist, Keynote Speaker, Event Organization, Talent management, Day of- coordinator, Event promotion in Krypto Granny VVIP Network

  • Business development, Implementing Strategy, Mission and Vision internal sharpening, Account Management/ Partnership Management, Investor relations, HR / Job titles, responsibilities, HR / Recruiting, firing

  • Mediating Web2 and Web3 collaborations, Promoting projects in the crypto niche, Onboarding internal teams to crypto

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story makes all the difference.